Tuesday, November 29, 2005


It's her birthday, today.

Still the same surprising girl I fell in love with 25 years ago, what a marvel that she's kept me around this whole time.

Of course, things haven't always been all sweetness and light. That's why I'm so stunned that she still seems to love me.

A dozen years ago we both were considering other possible marriage arrangements. We'd even mentioned the D word.

As we took a walk one night, the Spirit whispered to me:

You CAN get a divorce. You'll be fine, she'll be fine. You'll learn things. But if you stay with her, you'll learn more and you'll be happier.

I listened and chose to learn more and be happier. What a good choice!

The adventures we've had! The things we've learned! Sure, most times I've had to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, only to realize afterwards that those are the fun, good things that I should have been happy to do and learn.

Life is so marvelous. Always much different than I figured it should be, thank goodness. I've never had much in the way of imagination. Still, I don't need to rely on my imagination, when I have her as my partner. How well yoked we are! Pulling together, in our own distinct ways, getting the job done.

We still have loads to move into our new apartment, but it'll get done. And we WILL be able to fit it all in. We'll do it together.

1 comment:

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I loved this post. It gives me hope.