Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

As I was standing in the kitchen finishing the dishes just now, a thought came to mind. Perhaps it was that I was cleaning a paint scraper, getting ready to make a batch of fudge. Anyway for some reason my mind was taken on a trip back through time to a similar quiet summer Sunday afternoon about 26 years ago.

That day, I was less efficient than today. I decided to take a quick nap after lunch, do the dishes later.

[Maybe that was just my habit. I was reminded of dish-doing when I recently reviewed a 22-year-old journal: my daughter asked my visiting father why he was doing our dishes? "We never do them until we have stacks and stacks!" she explained...]

Something brought me out of my napping slumber. Perhaps "Sister Christian" stopped playing below our window, or an uncharacteristically cool breeze blew in that open window. Something. I realized that she was taking an afternoon bath.

"Where are the kids?" I wondered.

I must've heard something in the kitchen. Because I went in to investigate.

Oh my.

There they were. My three-and-a-half-year-old son and two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, in their diapers, sitting on top of the kitchen table. She with an almost empty, family-sized, Country Crock upside down on her head. A Country Crock that had been opened just before lunch.

Margarine covered the table top, the kids, the wall beside the table.

Did I mention the kids? Covered. In margarine.

Smiling at me.

It is TREMENDOUSLY difficult to be stern when all you want to do is laugh and take a picture.

No camera. [Seems oddly thematic...]

I called to her. She joined me in a rush.

We decided to put them in the tub.

Margarine floats.


Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention the sweet wafts of mary jane that always accompanied sister christian...

and yes

it floats.

Shi said...

I still think it is an amusing story... wish you had a camera there too... It would go great with that story :P

Anonymous said...

also, just for the sake of bickering... i recall you telling me to go take a nice relaxing bath and you would watch the