Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Our new grandson, Gideon, was born on 7 Sep 2005 (I had to remember that before the nurse would leave me alone in the room with him last week, but that's a topic for another post...).

His birth has changed our family. Of course, the ripples shouldn't affect his grandparents quite as much as his immediate family.

Because Gid was born with a cleft lip and palate, he needs special attention. I've learned to carefully burp him after each feeding. I've learned to use the special nipple on his bottle (it has a harder upper half to provide a temporary palate and support and a softer lower half to provide easy suckability).

Gid also has a full schedule of surgeries planned to correct his cleft. It became quickly apparent that we might be of better service to the Gid's family by being closer to their house during the coming months.

We took advantage of the situation. We put our house up for sale. We're leaving. The house sold.

We've rented a one-bedroom apartment in the City, two blocks up from the Temple; 10 minutes from work, walking; 15 minutes from Gid, driving; 7 minutes from the hospital, driving.

We'll begin the move on the 21st.

Our grandson has infused our lives with a marvelously invigorating breath of fresh air.

1 comment:

Shi said...

wow three posts in one day.... lol I have waiting for you to say something daddio
love ya