I've had a good two days to begin going through the papers in the Callister Collection. My arrogance notwithstanding, I have been able to add several news families to my ancestral database. Granted most of the records date from 1963, but that is still 20 or forty years closer to "up to date". Mostly I've been able to fill in blank spots: middle names, birth dates and places.
Every time I find records of new cousins it is a holiday.
Of course, the majority of records I add to the database connect up with my Millard County collection: folks who lived or died in that area. These are valuable papers, adding significantly to my knowledge and understanding of the folks surrounding my ancestors.
Saturday I did begin to paint the front room. That cut into my search time significantly. I was able to get three walls done. I only had to move three bookcases to do the work: one small and two large. This morning I need to reshelve the books from the two large cases, move the loveseat, empty the remaining three large bookcases, move the bookcases, vacuum, put down the drop cloth and paint. No biggee. Thank heavens for days off. Getting back to my database is a strong motivator, though.
Saturday also began a battle with a cold/flu. I've been upping my vitamin C intake, supplemented by Echinacea, Golden Seal and plenty of rest (which also cuts into my database time...). I did attend most of my church meetings yesterday, including 6 hours with the Stake Presidency. They only had to put up with a couple sneeze sessions from me. I'm still not 100%, but it hasn't put me completely out yet.
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